Display-Only round


Looks like a round device, but only useful for displaying data received via RS232 input port. It cannot measure by itself (except internal temperature) : without WBO2 connector (without LSU4 sensor), without EGT connector and without main connector (no analog input, no RPM input, no analog output).
It only has supply and RS232 connector. It receives data from genboard v3 (or other AIM compatible sender device or PC). Several devices can receive the same AIM stream. The aim stream contains several "channels", and each round can display 2 channels at a time (button can be used to switch between set up slots), with configurable conversion (adjustable offset, multiplier and dot position allows displayed units, eg. bar, kPa or PSI, Fahrenheit or Celsius, etc...). Blank-mode also possible for "night-mode" (only 1 dot, or completely blank).

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