5V DC regulator


5V low-current regulator DC regulator with 5V (or adjustable !) output, nominal 100mA or higher current (even in heatshrink, upto 700mA continuous for the adjustable voltage switching mode version, or recommended upto max 60mA current for other versions - linear, with no inductor). (most HALL sensors and pressure sensors consume 7..10mA but review datasheet and measure to be sure).
Input is "12V" (as in a 12V system max 15V ; 17..18V should not cause damage). Adjustable voltage regulators are higher current (absolute max 1.5A or 2A for LM2596 stepdown DCDC SMPS) ... these have a small potentiometer / adjustable resistor and MUST be adjusted with DVM (eg. to appr. 5.05V output ) BEFORE using/connecting the output voltage. This is very important, otherwise the powered device could be damaged.
For bluetooth-RS232 or wifi the wired-in USB supply option of this item is recommended. (but the supply current should be sufficient, and this item is smaller; In any case, separate +5V supply independent from EC36/28 is recommended to rule out any possibility of bluetooth supply noise effecting TPS-acceleration enrichment).
DSUB9 and/or shrinktube provided depending on the version.